Archive for February, 2009

TED: Ideas worth spreading

by Selva V Pasupathy, HSBC Technology & Services, Hyderabad.
I incidentally happened to visit a and I found that it was wonderful. TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an invitation-only event where the world’s leading thinkers and doers gather to find inspiration. I viewed some of the video’s by Tony Robbins, which were really good. I hope someone benefits from these links.

  1. A 3-minute story of mixed emoticons
  2. A 4-minute medley on the music wars
  3. A beautiful new theory of everything
  4. A brief digression on matters of lost time
  5. A brief history of violence
  6. A cello performance that casts a spell
  7. A comic send-up of TED2006
  8. A different way to think about creative genius
  9. A digital library, free to the world
  10. A girl, a photograph, a homecoming
  11. A guided tour of the Ghost Map
  12. A happy song about global warming
  13. A hero of the Congo Basin forest
  14. A journey to the center of your mind
  15. A library of human imagination
  16. A life of fascinations
  17. A lyrical view of life on Earth
  18. A meditation on hope
  19. A mockingbird remix of TED2006
  20. A musical sensation from Venezuela
  21. A new vision for refrigeration
  22. A parable for Kenya
  23. A performance merging dance and biology
  24. A powerful idea about teaching ideas
  25. A secular, scientific rebuttal to Rick Warren
  26. A surprising idea for “solving” climate change
  27. A surprising look at celebrity
  28. A surprising parable of foie gras
  29. A vision for TED
  30. A voyage of DNA, genes and the sea
  31. Africa as an investment
  32. African fractals, in buildings and braids
  33. After the gold rush, there’s innovation ahead
  34. All roads lead to Rome Antics
  35. An atheist’s call to arms
  36. An inside tour of the world’s biggest supercollider
  37. An introduction to genomics
  38. Ants, terrorism, and the awesome power of memes
  39. Apes that write, start fires and play Pac-Man
  40. Architecture is a new way to connect to the world
  41. Architecture is a special effects machine
  42. Architecture, modern and romantic
  43. Are children’s carseats necessary?
  44. Art with wire, thread, sugar, chocolate
  45. Asking big questions about the universe
  46. Beauty and truth in physics
  47. Becoming Buddha — on the Web
  48. Beyond the crisis, mindboggling science and the arrival of Homo evolutis
  49. Brain magic
  50. Brain science is about to fundamentally change computing
  51. Breath, music, passion
  52. Bringing One Laptop per Child to Colombia: TED in the Field
  53. Bringing world-class health care to the poorest
  54. Building a commodities market in Ethiopia
  55. Building a family tree for all humanity
  56. Building a home for the Clock of the Long Now
  57. Building on the green agenda
  58. Building the Ground Zero viewing platform
  59. BumpTop desktop is a beautiful mess
  60. Can kids teach themselves?
  61. Can we domesticate germs?
  62. Can we know our own minds?
  63. Casting spells with DNA
  64. Catch Sputnik mania!
  65. Celebrating the camel
  66. Celebrating the scientific experiment
  67. Chalking it up to the blank slate
  68. Cheetahs vs. Hippos for Africa’s future
  69. Classical music with shining eyes
  70. Climbing the world’s biggest trees
  71. Close-up card magic
  72. Come play with Pleo the dinosaur
  73. Creating objects that tell stories
  74. Creating tech marvels out of a $40 Wii Remote
  75. Creativity, fulfillment and flow
  76. Cultures at the far edge of the world
  77. Dazzling set by 11-year-old violinist
  78. Debunking third-world myths with the best stats you’ve ever seen
  79. Decoding the future with genomics
  80. Design and the elastic mind
  81. Design is in the details
  82. Design, discovery and humor
  83. Designing the Seattle Central Library
  84. Digging for humanity’s origins
  85. Do all languages have a common ancestor?
  86. Do schools kill creativity?
  87. Do the green thing
  88. Documenting our endangered cultures
  89. Does happiness have a price tag?
  90. Dog-friendly dog training
  91. Earth in its final century?
  92. Earth’s mass extinctions
  93. Educating a new generation of African leaders
  94. Entrepreneurs are the future of space flight
  95. Exploring the frontiers of happiness
  96. Exploring the ocean’s hidden worlds
  97. Fantastic voyage inside a cell
  98. Fashion, passion, and about a million other things
  99. Fiddling in reel time
  100. Fighting injustice with a videocamera
  101. Finding happiness in body and soul
  102. Finding the origins of humanity
  103. Fly me to the moons of Saturn
  104. Fly the seas on a submarine with wings
  105. Flying on solar wings
  106. Four American characters
  107. From 1984, 4 predictions about the future (3 of them correct)
  108. From 1990, defending a vision for architecture
  109. Getting cars off the road and data into the skies
  110. Goodbye, textbooks; hello, open-source learning
  111. Great cars are Art
  112. Great design is serious (not solemn)
  113. Great ideas for finding new energy
  114. Greening the ghetto
  115. Habits of happiness
  116. Hardware solutions to everyday problems
  117. Healing and other natural wonders
  118. Health, population and the human mind
  119. Heartrending pictures of AIDS
  120. Help fight local warming
  121. Help me bring music to kids worldwide (TED Prize winner!)
  122. Helping humans and animals live together in Africa
  123. Here’s how to protect the blue heart of the planet (TED Prize winner!)
  124. Hip-hop dance and a little magic
  125. How a ragtag band created Wikipedia
  126. How Benjamin Button got his face
  127. How blogs are building a friendlier world
  128. How calculus is changing architecture
  129. How cooperation (eventually) trumps conflict
  130. How could God have allowed the tsunami?
  131. How creativity is being strangled by the law
  132. How do ants know what to do?
  133. How does technology evolve? Like we did
  134. How engineers learn from evolution
  135. How great design makes ideas new
  136. How I built my family a windmill
  137. How I got my new hip
  138. How I’m trying to change the world now
  139. How juries are fooled by statistics
  140. How ordinary people become monsters … or heroes
  141. How robots will invade our lives
  142. How science is like democracy
  143. How technology’s accelerating power will transform us
  144. How things in nature tend to sync up
  145. How to fix broken states
  146. How to help Africa? Do business there
  147. How to listen to music with your whole body
  148. How to survive a nuclear attack
  149. How would you feel if you lost everything?
  150. Humanity’s biggest problems aren’t what you think they are
  151. Hunting the next killer virus
  152. I walk the Earth
  153. Idea + square = origami
  154. Inside the Google machine
  155. Inspired ideas for a sustainable future
  156. Institutions vs. collaboration
  157. Inventing the next amazing thing
  158. Investing in Africa’s own solutions
  159. Is 4 a.m. the new midnight?
  160. Jaw-dropping Photosynth demo
  161. Journey to the center of the Earth … and beyond!
  162. Juggling rhythm and motion
  163. Learning from past presidents in moments of crisis
  164. Learning the stories of Africa
  165. Let’s have a deeper discussion on aid
  166. Let’s look for life in the outer solar system
  167. Let’s take a new look at African aid
  168. Let’s take a nuclear-powered rocket to Saturn
  169. Leveraging big ideas to make change
  170. Life at 30,000 feet
  171. Life on Mars? Let’s look in the caves
  172. Lightning calculation and other “Mathemagic”
  173. Living a life of purpose
  174. Look! Up in the sky! It’s Virtual Earth!
  175. Looking inside the brain in real time
  176. Magical improv from 14-year-old pianist
  177. Making a computer that works like the brain
  178. Making movies that make change
  179. Measuring the fastest animal on earth
  180. Memes and “temes”
  181. My dream about the future of medicine
  182. My history of electroshock therapy
  183. My journey in design, from tofu to RISD
  184. My stroke of insight
  185. My year of living biblically
  186. Nature vs. humans, and what we can do about it
  187. New insights on poverty and life around the world
  188. New prosthetic arm for veterans
  189. New thinking on the climate crisis
  190. Nice building. Then what?
  191. On the verge of creating synthetic life
  192. One Laptop per Child, two years on
  193. Open-source economics
  194. Origami, blindfolded and to music
  195. Our cell phones, ourselves
  196. Our priorities for saving the world
  197. Photography connects us with the world
  198. Picturing excess
  199. Playing the Cape Breton fiddle
  200. Politics and religion are technologies
  201. Predicting the next 5,000 days of the web
  202. Presenting the Orb
  203. Products (and toys) from the future
  204. Rebuilding America, one slide show at a time
  205. Re-creating great performances
  206. Redefining the dictionary
  207. Reinventing the car
  208. Reinventing the school lunch
  209. Releasing the music in your head
  210. Rethinking the music video
  211. Rich hospital, poor hospital
  212. Robots that are “self-aware”
  213. Rolling along, helping students and the third world
  214. Running on high-tech legs
  215. Sailing the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
  216. Scenes from “The War Tapes”
  217. Sculpture that’s truly moving
  218. Second Life, where anything is possible
  219. Secrets of movement, from geckos and roaches
  220. Secrets of success in 8 words, 3 minutes
  221. Security and insecurity
  222. Seeking salvation and profit in greentech
  223. Shaking hands with the devil
  224. Siftables, the toy blocks that think
  225. Simple designs that could save millions of childrens’ lives
  226. Simplicity patterns
  227. Sing a song of sustainable cities
  228. Sliced bread and other marketing delights
  229. Slowing down in a world built for speed
  230. Sound stylings by a human beatbox
  231. Spinning a story of Mama
  232. Stephen Hawking hits zero g
  233. Swim with giant sunfish in the open ocean
  234. Tackling poverty with “patient capital”
  235. Take a ride in the Skycar
  236. Taking the next giant leap in space
  237. Tales of passion
  238. Talking and squawking TED2006
  239. Technology, faith and human shortcomings
  240. Technology’s Long Tail
  241. TED Prize wish: Finding new cures for migraine, depression, malpractice
  242. TED Prize wish: Help build the Encyclopedia of Life
  243. TED Prize wish: Help stop the next pandemic
  244. TED Prize wish: Join my call to action on Africa
  245. TED Prize wish: Let’s build a health care system in Rwanda
  246. TED Prize wish: Open-source architecture to house the world
  247. TED Prize wish: Share a vital story with the world
  248. TED Prize wish: Share the story of Earth’s manufactured landscapes
  249. TED Prize wish: Unite the world on Pangea Day, a global day of film
  250. Telling stories of our shared humanity
  251. The “shadow cities” of the future
  252. The amazing intelligence of crows
  253. The art of baking bread
  254. The art of collecting stories
  255. The art of creating creatures
  256. The astonishing promise of DNA folding
  257. The beckoning promise of personal fabrication
  258. The birth of the computer
  259. The brain in love
  260. The case for informed optimism
  261. The coming neurological epidemic
  262. The deep oceans: a ribbon of life
  263. The design of the universe
  264. The double helix and today’s DNA mysteries
  265. The future of design is human-centered
  266. The illustrated woman
  267. The Jill and Julia Show
  268. The joy of rockets
  269. The lost art of letter-writing
  270. The making of an African activist
  271. The moment when social media became the news
  272. The mystery box
  273. The omnivore’s next dilemma
  274. The paradox of choice
  275. The Pentagon’s new map for war and peace
  276. The playful search for beauty
  277. The power and beauty of organic design
  278. The power of glamour
  279. The power of saying thank you
  280. The power of the mobile phone to end poverty
  281. The power to connect the world
  282. The powerful link between creativity and play
  283. The real crisis? We stopped being wise
  284. The real difference between liberals and conservatives
  285. The rise of the amateur professional
  286. The science of love, and the future of women
  287. The science of scent
  288. The search for dark energy and dark matter
  289. The stories and song of Appalachia
  290. The story of a passionate life
  291. The story of Ezra, a child soldier
  292. The story of the Mars Rovers
  293. The stuff of thought
  294. The tragedy of suburbia
  295. The true face of Leonardo Da Vinci?
  296. The truly soft side of software
  297. The universe is queerer than we can suppose
  298. The universe on a string
  299. The vision behind One Laptop Per Child
  300. The Web and the city
  301. The Web and TV, a sibling rivalry
  302. The Web’s secret stories
  303. The wisdom of designing Cradle to Cradle
  304. The wonders of Zulu wire art
  305. The world now eats (and dies) like Americans
  306. The worldwide web of belief and ritual
  307. Theremin, the untouchable music
  308. Things I have learned in my life so far
  309. Three things to know before you ski to the North Pole
  310. Tidying up art
  311. Tools for building a better world
  312. Tourist snapshots from North Korea
  313. Toys that make worlds
  314. Treating design as art
  315. Understanding comics
  316. Underwater astonishments
  317. Unveiling the genius of multi-touch interface design
  318. Use my photographs to stop the worldwide XDR-TB epidemic
  319. Using biology to make better animation
  320. Wake up! It’s They Might Be Giants
  321. Way-new collaboration
  322. Ways of seeing
  323. We must win the oil endgame
  324. Welcome to Nollywood
  325. Welcome to Vaudeville 2.0
  326. What can fossils teach us?
  327. What do consumers really want?
  328. What do we really know about the spread of AIDS?
  329. What I’m worried about, what I’m excited about
  330. What is our place in the cosmos?
  331. What makes a building unique?
  332. What positive psychology can help you become
  333. What separates us from the apes?
  334. What we can learn from spaghetti sauce
  335. What’s so funny about the Web?
  336. What’s wrong with what we eat
  337. When it comes to tech, simplicity sells
  338. Where does creativity hide?
  339. Where have the bees gone?
  340. Who was General Tso? and other mysteries of American Chinese food
  341. Why a free press is the best investment
  342. Why are we happy? Why aren’t we happy?
  343. Why aren’t we all Good Samaritans?
  344. Why can’t we grow new body parts?
  345. Why can’t we grow new energy?
  346. Why design?
  347. Why do crack dealers still live with their moms?
  348. Why newspapers still matter (and why tech news belongs on the front page)
  349. Why people believe strange things
  350. Why societies collapse
  351. Why squatter cities are a good thing
  352. Why the search for alien intelligence matters (TED Prize winner!)
  353. Why we age and how we can avoid it
  354. Why we do what we do, and how we can do it better
  355. Why we don’t understand as much as we think we do
  356. Why we know less than ever about the world
  357. Will videogames become better than life?
  358. WorldWide Telescope
  359. Yes, design can make you happy
  360. Your brain is badly wired — enjoy it!
  361. Your genes are not your fate

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